Youngest radiant player
Youngest radiant player

It’s not safe to ever joke about being boosted. The youngest female Radiant in Valorant has hit back about the boosting allegations though. There were also Discord chat logs and “suspicious activity and performances” on both accounts.

youngest radiant player

The video Kaden and Reduxx dropped says that the users ‘tripl3b00st TR4N/TRAN’ and ‘chonkimos wei’ play with both accounts, and show chat logs that both players openly discussed boosting ‘kay’. Just makes people suspicious, especially if you say it out loud. But if you have another person playing on it, and doing well, that doesn’t look good at all. It’s a great way to practice without potentially harming the record of your main account. There’s nothing wrong with having another account though. The two also point out that TSM Kay is almost always at the top of the scoreboard, while the main account does not do nearly as well. But there is a clip from Kay’s Twitch channel where she says her alternate accounts, “TSM Kay” has her and one of her friends play on it. People can practice and get better, that’s true. This on its own is not damning in the slightest.

youngest radiant player

The two also claim Kay knew the accounts she played with were cheaters. In earlier acts (Acts 1 and 2) of Valorant, she got no higher than Plat 3 (Gold 1 before that). One of the major accusations of boosting in Valorant to Radiant by the female player in question is that she had a.

youngest radiant player


Here is the full video as well /R9bZdmK8vI- Kaden January 1, 2021 Exposing the boosting issue in VALORANT with situation me and spent a good amount of time gathering evidence.

Youngest radiant player